Become a Firefighter in Mississippi

MississippiIf you’ve always wanted to become a firefighter, and you live in Mississippi, it could be a good time to start your school and training. Even though there aren’t as many openings as their once were, with the right education, you could have a good chance of becoming a fireman in Mississippi.

How to Become a Firefighter in Mississippi

You have to have a diploma or a GED if you are going to become a firefighter. You also have to be at least 18 years old. Although degrees through traditional colleges are not a requirement, you may find that having a degree can bring with it some advantages. Your degree could increase the likelihood of a department hiring you, and it could help you advance through the department more quickly.

You will find that most of the actual firefighter training for those who want to become firefighters is going to happen at the Mississippi State Fire Academy. You have to have sponsorship from a municipal or country department in the state. Departments in Mississippi know this, and they will usually sponsor you as long as you agree to work for them when you complete the programs.

You also have to be able to pass the physical test even before you can begin your training. Check the CPAT (Candidate Physical Abilities Test) guidelines to make sure that you are in condition for the test. You should also get EMT training.

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When you finish with your training at the academy, you will still have to take a written test through the Mississippi Fire Personnel Minimum Standards and Certification Board (MSCB).

Employment Trends for Firefighters

Firefighters in Mississippi love their jobs, and they don’t leave them often. Because of this, and the growth for the job of firefighters is only at 9% nationwide, many people are trying to get the jobs that do become available. Getting the aforementioned EMT training as well as fire science degrees from good schools is nice way to stack the deck in your favor.

Salary and Employment Facts

The average annual salary for a firefighter working in Mississippi is $69,000 per year. This is one of the highest firefighter salaries in the nation. Of course, not all firefighters are going to be making that much. It will depend on location and experience.

Firefighter Activity in the News

Mississippi firefighters can respond to many different types of disasters, whether they are fire or flood related, car accidents, bridge rescues, and more. They prepare for their varied tasks through intense training.